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Our Children, Our Heritage

Our children are the precious treasures that we pass on from one generation to the next. They are the living embodiment of our hopes, dreams, and values, carrying on the legacy that has been entrusted to them. Just as we…

The FAMAD Experience

Our story dates back to 1960 in Lagos, Nigeria. A small family wanted to create an experience with shoes where every member of the Nigerian family could get good quality for Nigerians by Nigerians at an affordable price. When students…

How To Care for Your Feet

Do you feel the need to take care of your feet or do you wait till something happens? Have you ever experienced blisters or cuts? How did you handle them? How about smelly feet? Did you know that you can…

How To Identify Quality Shoes

We have at some point heard that we need to check the price and label of a shoe to determine its quality. How about shoes that are pricey and still don’t get to last two years? We cannot overemphasize the…